Amazon’s not so impressive product quality

All physical items I have bought from Amazon has failed on me.  Since June: Three dead Kindles and one leather cover with a dead integrated light.

I wrote a glorifying article about Amazon’s impressive customer service a while ago, and the service is still impressive. I know, because I have used it a lot.

The customer service is still impressive.

The customer service is still impressive.

  • I received a replacement for my defect Kindle DX.

  • But as I had a new and smaller Kindle 3, I left the DX untouched in the box.

  • The LED light on the Kindle 3-cover shone for a couple of minutes, then it died.

  • Last week my Kindle 3 froze. All online guides about how to reset and reboot the device failed.

  • So I charged my new Kindle DX, started it. Only some flicker in the upper left corner, otherwise dead.

So now I have to return two more Kindles (of total three) and one cover for replacements.

Amazon still deliver on service, but I question their product quality.