Hugo 0.21 Released: Shortcodes per Output Format!

Hugo 0.21 completes the Custom Output Format feature with shortcode support for each output, especially useful for Google AMP.

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Release Notes

Hugo 0.21 brings full support for shortcodes per Output Format (#3220), the last vital piece of that puzzle. This is especially useful for Google AMP with its many custom media tags.

This release represents 126 contributions by 29 contributors to the main Hugo code base. Since last main release Hugo has gained 850 stars and 7 additional themes.

Hugo now has:

@bep leads the Hugo development with a significant amount of contributions, but also a big shoutout to @moorereason, @bogem, and @munnerz for their ongoing contributions. And as always a big thanks to @digitalcraftsman for his relentless work on keeping the documentation and the themes site in pristine condition.

Other Highlights

On a more technical side, @moorereason and @bep have introduced namespaces for Hugo’s many template funcs (#3042 ). There are so many now, and adding more into that big pile would be a sure path toward losing control. Now they are nicely categorised into namespaces with its own tests and examples, with an API that the documentation site can use to make sure it is correct and up-to-date.


  • The deprecated .Extension, .Now and .TargetPath will now ERROR 544f0a63 @bep
  • The config settings and flags disable404, disableRSS, disableSitemap, disableRobotsTXT are now deprecated. Use disableKinds. 5794a265 @bep #3345




  • Refactor site rendering with an “output format context”. In this release, this is used for shortcode handling only, but this paves the way for future niceness 1e4d082c @bep #3397 2bcbf104 @bep #3220








