Nike Refuses
to Accept the International System of Units

Buying Nike sneakers online is almost impossible if you’re not into Nike’s weird metrics where a centimetre isn’t a centimetre.

Minify before you uglify, you stupid!

“You’ll have to ng-minify the code before you uglify it, you stupid git!”

– I have to make it smaller before I make it uglier?

The shoeshiners
of open source

The coders of Open Source often do a second shining of their code – and when they do they mark their commit with the word “polish”.

And by “polish” they don’t mean a person from Poland, but: I am not changing any functionality with this commit, but make the code better, prettier, more extensible, less DRY

How rich is Rich Hickey?

After Clojure – richer, for sure. If Rich Hickey’s life line is a persistent list, there should be ways to track the value of values.

Rich Hickey (2009). Photo: Tapestry Dude

Rich Hickey (2009). Photo: Tapestry Dude

The legacy of
date and time

The JSR 310 gave JDK 8 a new and long awaited new design of date and time in Java. But since the old classes that has been trying to do the same are still in wide spread use, handling of these vital value types will suffer from the legacy in the next decade or so.

So the creators of the new API decided they needed to bridge the old and the new. The code snippet below is borrowed from Oracle’s JDK 8. It converts a java.time.LocalDateTime  to a java.sql.Timestamp (the latter is used to persist timestamps to the database through JDBC):

Linear colour scheme
with LESS

Make content boxes with a linear colour scheme using a LESS loop.

Linear colour scheme by LESS

Linear colour scheme by LESS